Variety: Paranzana
Characteristics: slightly fruity
with artichoke, almond and tomato flavours
Quantity: 250 ml
Variety: Paranzana
Characteristics: slightly fruity
with artichoke, almond and tomato flavours
Quantity: 500 ml
Variety: blend of coratina and ogliarola garganica
Characteristics: fruity and bittery
Quantity: 250 ml
*the bottles can be purchase singularly
Variety of coratina: slightly spicy and fruity
Variety of paranzana: bittery, spicy and fruity
Quantity: 250 ml
*the bottles can be purchase singularly
Grissini with extra virgin olive oil and fennel
Quantity: 400 gr
Taralli with extra virgin olive oil and fennel
Quantity: 400 gr
Tarallucci "inclppet"
Quantity: 400 gr
"I clustr" with almonds and honey
Quantity: 200 gr
Ostie ripiene with toasted almonds, sugar and honey
Quantity: 200 gr
Grissini with extra virgin olive oil and fennel,
taralli with extra virgin olive oil and fennel,
wholemeal taralli, cereal taralli
Quantity: 400 gr x 4 packs
Apart from the products of the 'box scaldatelli and taralli',
it includes cartellate and ostie ripiene
Quantity: 400 gr x 4 packs + 200 x 2 packs
Chilli jam and carobs jam
Quantity: 150 cl
*the bottles can be purchase singularly
After-dinner of hazelnuts, liquor of almonds, after-dinner of chilli,
liquor of wild fennel, liquor of olives
Quantity: 150 cl x 5 bottles
*the bottles can be purchase singularly
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